
Paradiso意大利天堂酒庄 帕拉迪索酒庄

2022-10-04 21:59:05 主编

意大利帕拉迪索酒庄 PRADISO PUGLIA,天堂酒庄位于意大利南部普利亚,天堂酒庄始于1950年,到现在已经是家族第三代了,他们始终怀着对土地的敬仰,不断提升对风土的认知深度,努力将传统与创新相结合,不断追求高品质,在酒庄逐渐扩大的同时,意大利帕拉迪索酒庄Paradiso天堂酒庄旗下酒款品质日趋完美,获奖无数。


意大利帕拉迪索酒庄Paradiso天堂酒庄位于切里尼奥拉福贾省,这里也是 Tavoliere 冲积平原南部,享受着加尔加诺岬北部 和 Subappennino Dauno 山脉以西的保护:冬天气 候温和,降雨很少,也很少下雪,但夏天非常炎 热少雨,土壤的特点是含石灰岩成分比较高,排 水性能良好。这些微气候和土壤特点,造就了这 些葡萄品种在这里的绝佳生长环境和高品质。酒庄一般在8月中旬开始采摘,采用人工采摘方式,以确保 酿造高品质葡萄酒所需要的一切条件得以保证。西班牙葡萄酒有哪些品牌酒庄现在的核心部分仍旧是酒庄初创时建成的玻璃水泥罐,后来配备了冷却系统,至今仍在使用。

之后逐渐配备了钢罐和发酵罐温控等一系列先进的现代酿酒设备,葡萄酒的品质得到飞跃的提升。如今修建了全新的地窖,作为葡萄酒陈酿和品鉴区域,屋顶还配备了光伏系统,确保酿酒过程对环境的影响 降到最小。意大利帕拉迪索酒庄Paradiso天堂酒庄目前种植的红葡萄品种主要有:普里米蒂沃 Primitivo、黑曼罗 Negroamaro、黑托雅 Nero Di Toria,白葡萄品种主要有菲亚诺 Fiano 等。近年南部品种尤其 是以普利亚产区的普里米蒂沃和黑曼罗为代表,受到市场的热捧。意大利进口红酒有哪些品牌南部酒庄基于长期耕耘于出口市场,市场化程度很高,酒瓶酒标设计都比较符合出口市场的需求, 也因此越来越受到国人关注。

Since 1950, Now is 3rd generation of the family. Inthe past 70 years, the three generations have alwaysrespected the land, constantly improved their knowledgeof terroir, tried to combine tradition with innovation, andconstantly pursued high quality. While the winery is gradually expanding, its wines The quality is becomingmore and more perfect and has won numerous awards. 

The winery is located in the province of Cerignola Foggia, which is also the southern part of theTavoliere alluvial plain, enjoying the protection of the northern Gargano and the west of the SubappenninoDauno mountain range: the climate is mild in winter, with little rainfall and little snow, but in summer It isvery hot and less rainy. The soil is characterized by a relatively high content of limestone and good drainageperformance. These microclimates and soil characteristics have created an excellent growth environment andhigh quality of these grape varieties here. Wineries generally start picking in mid-August, using manualpicking methods to ensure that all the conditions required to make high-quality wines are implemented. 

The central core of the winery dating from its foundation it is constituted by a complex of fibreglasslined concrete vats, which were subsequently equipped with modern cooling systems.Over the years theyhave been joined by stainless-steel tanks and fermentation vessels, also temperature controlled and made tohe winery own exclusive design. The roof of the winery is equipped with a photovoltaic system to ensure alow environmental impact of all the stages of production.The main red grape varieties currently planted by the winery are: Primitivo Primitivo,Negroamaro , Nero Di Toria, and white grape varieties mainly include Fiano and so on. 

Inrecent years, southern varieties, especially Primitivo and Negroamaro from the Pugliaregion, have been popular in the market. Southern wineries are based on long-termcultivation in the export market and have a high degree of marketization. The bottle labeldesign is more in line with the needs of the export market, and therefore attracts more andmore attention from the Chinese people.
