

L' Armangia红酒 复仇酒庄 美西卡色雾晚收甜白 Mesicaseu Vino da uve Stranature bianco L' Armangia 拉曼吉亚酒庄卡内利莫斯卡托阿斯蒂甜型微起泡larmangia moscato

  • 产地: 意大利-皮埃蒙特-阿斯蒂
  • 类型: 晚收甜白
  • 等级: 精品
  • 容量: 500ML

意大利红酒品牌前十名推荐,美西卡色雾晚收甜白 复仇酒庄 Mesicaseu Vino da uve Stranature bianco L' Armangia 培植及参数 品种:75% 卡内利莫斯卡托,25%霞多丽 产地:意大利皮埃蒙特 阿斯蒂卡内利 土壤:强碱性,由凝灰岩、粘土和沙子混合组成,富含石灰岩碎片 树龄:25 年树龄莫斯卡托,38 年树龄霞多丽 培植:5500 株/公顷 产量:4 吨/公顷


美西卡色雾晚收甜白陈酿:1 个月橡木桶,7 个月内不锈钢罐,然后瓶内陈年 酒精:12.5~14% 酸度 5.6 克/升 残糖 110~120 克/升 饮用提示 温度:10 ℃ 色泽:金黄色 芳香:带有苔藓和鼠尾草的清新气息,同时具有典型卡内利镇莫斯卡托的 持久麝香, 以及橙花、金苹果、梨、香蕉等热带水果的芳香 口感:酒体丰盈饱满,美西卡色雾晚收甜白带有花香和成熟水果的甜蜜 搭配:非常适合与饼干、非奶油糕点和水果配饮,和新鲜冷盘及发酵时间 较长的奶酪配饮,有着出人意料的美食体验 备注:L'Armangia酒庄是皮埃蒙特具有很高声誉的家族酒庄,获得过很多重 要的奖项。每年都是权威的Gambero Rosso 《大红虾》上榜酒庄。该酒款 仅在最佳年份酿造,产量极其有限,约 600 瓶/年。

Vinyard: Soil and ClimateGrapes/Varietals: 75% Moscato Bianco di Canelli, 25% Chardonnay Production Zone: Canelli, Asti- Piemonte, Italy Appellation: VDT Vino da uve stramature bianco (White wine from over-riped grapes) Soil: The soil, which is highly alkaline, with alternating strata of tuff, clay and sand, is rich in limestonesplinters. Age of Vines: 25 years Moscato, 38 Years Chardonnay Vines/ Hectare: 5500 Crop Yield: 40 q/haWine Making: destamming, maceration for 24 hours, soft-pressing and chilling at 5°C, natural clarifyingand fermentation in oak 1 month and 7 months in stainless steel. Ageing: in bottle Data Analysis Alcohol: 12.5~14% Residual Sugar: 110~120 g/l Total Acidity: 5.60 g/l Tasting NotesServing Temperature: 10°C Colour: golden yellowBouquet: The wine is characterized by moss and sage hues as well as by the typical palatal persistence ofCanelli’s Muscats. Scents of orange blossom, golden apples, pears, bananas and tropical fruits. Thanks to latebottling, it remains fresh and fragrant for long, with a positive development of the bouquet throughout thefirst year Palate: Rich and full of flavours, sweet with a taste of flowers and ripe fruits Food Pairing Suggestions: A perfect match for biscuits, non-creamy pastry and fruit, it combinesunexpectedly but successfully with fresh cold cuts and long-fermenting cheeses. A special winegood on its own, as meditation wine Important Awards 重大奖项Gambero Rosso 2 Glasses 《大红虾》两杯奖 Slow Wine Recommend《Slow Wine》特别推荐

Mesicaseu Vino da uve Stranature bianco L' Armangia

美西卡色雾晚收甜白 复仇酒庄

芳香:带有苔藓和鼠尾草的清新气息,同时具有典型卡内利镇莫斯卡托的 持久麝香, 以及橙花、金苹果、梨、香蕉等热带水果的芳香


搭配:非常适合与饼干、非奶油糕点和水果配饮,和新鲜冷盘及发酵时间 较长的奶酪配饮,有着出人意料的美食体验
